Town Board Meeting March 27th at 6:00 PM.


Planning Board Meeting April 2th at 6:00 PM

Zoning Board meeting for April 23rd, 2025 at 6:00 pm.





Town Assessor



Darlene Abbatecola


Telephone 315-894-9211
Fax 315-894-8911


Town Hall, 201 Third Ave.
Frankfort, New York 13340

Office Hours

Tuesday 5pm-7pm

Saturday 9am - 12pm

By Appointment due to COVID-19


The Assessor is a local government official who estimates the value of real property within a city, town, or village's boundaries. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills.

The Assessor must obtain basic certification by the State of New York within three years of taking office. This requires the successful completion of orientation, three assessment administration course components, and five appraisal, including farm appraisal for certain agricultural communities. The New York State Office of Real Property (ORPS) prescribes the components.

The Assessor maintains the municipality's assessment roll-the document containing each property assessment. The physical description (or inventory) and value estimate of every parcel kept currrent. The property inventory is available for inspection by appointment before the filing of the tentative assessment roll.

The Assessor performs many other administrative functions, such as inspecting new construction and major improvements to existing structures. This ensures that the record of each property's physical inventory is current and that the appropriate improvements are assessed.

The Assessor also approves and keeps track of property exemptions. Among the most common are the senior citizens, School Tax Relief (STAR), veterans, agricultural, and business exemptions.

Legally, the Assessor must be present at all public hearings of the Board of Assessment Review (BAR). The BAR may request the assesor to present evidence in support of tentative assessments being grieved by taxpayers.

In closing, Assessors are interested only in fairly assessing property in their assessing unit.

Grievance Day

Residents who do not agree with their property assessments can grieve to the Town of Frankfort Board of Review.

Grievance Day is scheduled every year, the 4th Wednesday in May, hours  4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. at the Frankfort Town Hall.

GRIEVANCE DAY FOR FRANKFORT  WILL BE HELD ON 4th WEDESDAY IN MAY,  Hours:  (4 PM - 8 PM) at the Frankfort Town Hall 201 3RD AVE.

Applications may be obtained from the Assessor Office prior to Grievance Day or the day of. Those applying must submit comparable properties for the board to review. You will be notified by mail of the Board of Review's decision. If unsatisfied with the Board's decision, you must appeal to the Herkimer County Small Claims Court, 109 Court Street, Herkimer, New York.

STAR Exemption

For taxpayers receiving the Enhanced STAR exemption, the deadline to file the renewal application is March 1st,2019.

Please follow the link below for information regarding changes to the renewal process.

STAR Credit

For new homeowners and new Star applicants, please follow the link for Star credit information.

Veteran's Exemption

Only applies to Town & County Taxes. To be eligible, you must submit your separation of service form (DD-214 Discharge Military Form) or other written evidence to prove dates of service and type of discharge or release to the Assessor's Office. There are specific dates of service that apply and does not guarantee that you will receive this exemption. This information can be obtained from the Assessor's Office.

Click here to download the Veteran's Exemption form.

Town of Frankfort Highway Department

Herkimer County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan

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Real Property of Herkimer County maintains our tax roll.

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